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21 mars 2011 1 21 /03 /mars /2011 18:28

ong humanitaire rubio - credit photo AFP

Crédit photo AFP.

Face à la situation japonaise les ONG des pays riches hésitent. Faut-il collecter des fonds et si oui comment les employer sur place ? Difficile pour les ONG américaines et européennes de concevoir des programmes pertinents même si les besoins sont immenses. Les ONG américaines après un temps d'hésitation ont décidé de collecter des fonds pour aider la population la plus pauvre. Le tableau ci joint donne la répartition des fonds collectés". A ce jour, toutes organisations confondues, le montant dépasse 105 millions de dollars.



Japan Disaster Fund Raising Now Totals More Than $105-Million

By Caroline Preston and Nicole Wallace

Seven days after the devastating earthquake and tsunamis in Japan, American donors have contributed more than $105-million for relief efforts, according to a Chronicle tally. Nearly three-quarters of the total has been raised by one organization, the American Red Cross.


The rate of donations is slower than after last year’s earthquake in Haiti and after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. Seven days after the disaster in Haiti, donors had contributed more than $275-million, and six days after Katrina they had given more than $457-million. Some nonprofits have been cautious about raising money for the disaster because the needs are not yet clear.


 • ADRA International had received $247,868 as of Friday.

 • The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee had raised $725,000 as of Thursday.

 • The American Red Cross had raised approximately $76-million as of Friday afternoon. Text-message contributions accounted for more than $3.2-million of that total.

 • AmeriCares had received $2.3-million as of Friday.

 • CARE USA has received $302,000 as of Friday.

 • Brother’s Brother Foundation has received more than $84,000 as of Thursday.

 • Catholic Relief Services had raised $1.2-million as of Friday.

 • Direct Relief International had raised more than $1.1-million as of Friday.

 • Give2Asia has received $2-million for relief efforts as of Friday.

 • GlobalGiving has received $725,000. The money will be distributed to six other nonprofits.

 • Habitat for Humanity International had received more than $172,000 as of Friday.

 • International Medical Corps had raised $1.5-million as of Friday. Text-message gifts account for $22,070 of that total.

 • International Rescue Committee had received roughly $450,000 as of Thursday.

 • Islamic Relief had raised more than $134,000 as of Friday.

 • The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago had raised $88,931 as of Thursday.

 • Medical Teams International has received $56,200 as of Wednesday.

 • The Mennonite Central Committee had received $45,000 from American donors as of Friday. Canadian donors contributed an additional $14,000.

 • Mercy Corps had received $1.65-million as of Wednesday.

 • Operation USA had received about $10,000 as of Thursday.

 • Relief International had received $20,500 as of Thursday.

 • Project HOPE had raised $650,000 as of Thursday.

 • The Salvation Army had received more than $2.8-million as of Friday. Of that total, more than $132,000 came in via text message, $2.5-million online, and $82,000 by telephone.

 • Save the Children had raised $6.9-million in the United States as of Friday. Of that total, $47,000 has come in via text message.

 • The United Methodist Committee on Relief has received more than $500,000 online as of Friday. The organization anticipates that Methodist churches across the country will hold a special offering this Sunday for relief efforts.

 • U.S. Fund for UNICEF had raised $1.2-million as of Friday.

 • United Way Worldwide had raised more than $1-million as of Friday.

 • World Vision U.S. had received $3.5-million as of Friday morning.


More than a dozen relief groups The Chronicle contacted said that they are not actively raising money for relief efforts in Japan.

Some organizations, such as Oxfam America, report they are still determining how they will respond to the disaster. Other charities, such as American Jewish World Service, said they are not responding because they only work in developing countries.

Doctors Without Borders is not accepting donations designated for the disaster in Japan. The organization has sent assessment teams to the region but is paying for those efforts with unrestricted funds.





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par Francisco RUBIO


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